+421 32 771 0971
Arc Flash Risk Assessment
We have accumulated extensive experience in implementing the Arc Flash Risk Assessment in large companies, following multiple international and national standards and internal regulations(such as EN 50110-1, NFPA 70E, OSHA, IEEE 1584, ANSI, NEC and IEC 60909). Our services are also available within short delivery times and can be delivered in a requested language, including all software outputs. To calculate and implement Arc Flash Risk Assessment, we use cutting edge software and technical support of EasyPower LLC, USA, to carry out the Arc Flash Risk Study.
- Short Circuit Calculations and Protective Devices Short Fault Duties
- Coordination Study of Protective Devices
- Calculations of Incident Energies of Potential Arc Flashes
- Identification of Approaching Boundaries
- Preparation of Warning Labels
- Recommendation of Arc Flash PPE
Samotná štúdia štandardne obsahuje:
- Kontrola skratovej odolnosti istiacich prvkov a elektrickej inštalácie
- Kontrola koordinácie istenia (selektivita)
- Stanovenie energií potenciálnych oblúkových výbojov a tried nebezpečenstva
- Stanovenie hraníc priblíženia sa
- Spracovanie štítkov pre značenie prvkov elektrickej inštalácie v lokálnom jazyku
- Odporučenie príslušných Osobných ochranný pracovných pomôcok podľa rôznych harmonizovaných noriem
Note: An electric fault arc in electrical power equipment is an unintended event. Fault arcs accompany almost all short-circuits in electric power equipment. Electric arcs do not only occur with short-circuits but also in case of switching-off or breaking electrical circuits under load (fuses, disconnectors, cables, cable lugs, terminal ends). It originates from gas ionization and is a conductive electrical interconnection between two or more electrodes of different potentials, different phase relationship or one of these and earth. As a consequence of an explosive situation is increase of temperature, up to 20 000 0C, detonation noise more than 120 dB, UV and IR radiation and pressure wave that carries away particles from electrical installation and metal splashes from electrodes.